Friday, March 27, 2015

How I See the World Now!

So, as it turns out I needed glasses. Not for my right eye but for my left and not bad enough that the doctor insisted but enough that I bit the bullet and got a pair. Thanks to my wonderful husband I have a pair of Oakley ones. Also, he recently got a new pair too (yes also Oakley). What do you think?

Now for some SHOCKING news! 

It turns out I do not have bilateral coloboma, as I had believed for my whole life. Some of you may be saying things like, What? How is that possible? But your eyes both look like that! 

It turns out my right eye has an iris that is completely round, but the pigment in the bottom is so light you can't tell its there. Crazy huh? And in case you don't believe it I got a copy of a picture to prove it. Thanks to the doctor geeking out with me and wanting to see if it was possible to get a picture of it with his fancy camera (the one that takes a picture of your retina).

So, I have now accepted my fate as a person with slightly less special eyes than I thought. I am also enjoying seeing things a little clearer and I kinda wanna break into song. Come on everyone: "I can see clearly now the rain is gone" :)

Grand-kid stuff

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Maddie is 3!

Maddie turns 3 years old