Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Ray!!!!

Good morning Ray, I hope you have a GREAT! birthday


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't you just see the excitement in my birthday wish? I love you and hopefully you and your wife can come visit me in my apartment soon.

  2. Happy Birthday! This is the third birthday wish I have sent your way today. I should get some kind of mother award for that, right? Actually. I'm really just overcompensating for forgetting Bryce's B-Day. Anyway, I love you and really hope it's great!

  3. Haha, thanks for remembering!!! It was great having you all(Dad, Jaycee, and Britt) come down to visit! Claudia and I had a blast! Hopefully sometime soon we can make it up to see you becca. Being 25 has been pretty cool, except for my leg giving out, my eyesight getting worse, and my hair getting longer....oh wait, that last one was the same before. Well, Thankyou for all the birthday wishes! Hope to see you all soon!
