Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm leaving.... so let's party!!!

I know this post will be pretty tame compared to the most recent mud-slinging going on, but I wanted to give everyone plenty of notice so there are no excuses to see me off ;D.

But in all seriousness, we will be having a going away dinner for me on the 4th of January at 7:15pm. I won't be able to attend Christmas at Rachel and Dwight's so some of you probably won't see me before I leave unless you attend this dinner, hence the couple of weeks warning. We will be eating at the same place we had my birthday dinner (The Pit). It's an AMAZING bbq restaurant in downtown Raleigh, and since Oregon doesn't have bbq, I need a fix before I go ;D.

Also, I believe this is where Dwight plans to give me my Christmas present, he is very excited it will be in a public place.... so, I'm a little scared...

Comment and let me know if you plan on attending. I would really love it if everyone of you was there, but I understand that sometimes more important things come up.


  1. There is nothing more important that could come up, but unfortunately this wasn't enough of a notice for me to get off work. If you have time, you should come spend a night or two in Waynesville with us before you leave! If not, well, I hope you enjoy your party! Don't forget about us!

  2. Well Ray it's not a matter of time so much as it is that I don't have a car, I sold it already and have been paying for rides to and from work. My last day at work is this next Monday, but I wouldn't have a way to get to you unless someone went with me....

  3. Did you know The Pit is on the tv show Man vs Food? Looks awesome!
