Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moments of the Move

We made our first and last trip to the dump today before I went to work! Claudia got off today at two, got home around 2:40ish, and helped me carry out the mattress and boxspring. Unfortunately after everything was downstairs, we realized the boxspring wasn't going to fit, and sadly, it wasn't even close. So, I inquired about the distance and best route of our dump trip. It was a little further than six miles, four miles by highway. Claudia had an epiphany. So we ducktaped the boxspring to the Equinox, going over the top of the boxspring, and through the rolled down rear window sections of the vehicle. Then taped the back of the boxspring and lead it to the inside of the front passenger seat. Did I mention the ducktape was purple? The ducktape was purple, and extremely obvious on the large white canvas we just placed on top of our mode of transportation. We rolled down the front windows and held down the boxspring in order to sustain perfect aerodynamics. The hazardlights were turned on to improve upon the style we had just created. We began down the highway topping out at about 58.93 feet per second. A truck convexing out from the amount of, well Im just gonna say it, mexicans, filled with laughter as they passed us by. We pulled over three times while on the four mile highway run. Pinning the boxspring down continuously really works on your forearms. We hit the backroads for the last few miles, and fortunately, we hit every red light on the way! From the way the employees at the dump examined our garbage, I would say it's the first time anyone in Waynesville has ever used purple ducktape to strap down a doublewide boxspring. We made it there three minutes before the dump closed, and have compeletly finished the disposing stage.

A sneak peak for episode two of Moment of the Move: Ray will be driving a 16' truck and towing the equinox at the same time. Watch for more excitement as the journey continues.