Friday, May 6, 2011

9Volt's First Week

We pushed the button on Monday, launching 9Volt as a paid app for the low-low price of $99 dollars. Whoops. The hit the "edit and update" buttons and fixed to the more reasonable (but still higher than we intend) price of $.99.

In its first five days of life on the market it has generated 10 (so far) non-family/friend purchases. Bryce's review remains the only one at the moment, but whatever, 5-Stars is 5-Stars. We plan on having the ad-supported free version out there some time next week so we can start legitimate efforts at promoting and growing the player-base.

I am completing work on some Starcraft2 based live-wallpapers and intend to get the finished some time tomorrow and posted to the market after that. A quick second (third, fourth and fifth) product for FrozenPond.

Once these smaller projects are done, we will begin work on a big game. We are very excited about this next project.

Frozen Pond has another iron in the fire in that we are starting the process of learning the Unreal Engine and UDK. This is the game engine that powers blockbusters like Gears of War, Mass Effect and MANY MANY others. It is also the engine that Bryce will learn in his game-development course work. Hopefully we are on track to work on something HUGE some time next year.

1 comment:

  1. Way to GO! Sounds like painstakingly hard work to me, but I imagine it is fun to those involved? Keep us updated!
