Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I know what you're thinking.... huh?

So, some of you know about this and some of you don't. And that's precisely the problem. There are way too many of us! Communicating events, news, freaky happenings, etc. becomes a problem when you have to make over 10 phone calls. Especially if you are like Jan and put your phone in the shredder (if you don't know about that, just consider it another example of the necessity of this blog).

So, the parentals had an amazing idea- create a family website. I know there are a few men in this family that would consider that an easy task... they would probably build it from scratch faster than I was able to use a Google template... but for the rest of us, this seemed like the way to go.

This is a blog. If you don't know what that is, then I'm impressed you made it to this page. Basically, this is going to be our family blog. You can use it to post funny stories about your day, information about an upcoming event (family or personal) or even to simply communicate with the rest of the family. Please don't tell us when and where you are going to the grocery store- if you do, I'll figure out some way to revoke your internet privileges (I'm serious Ray, Bryce, Brandon L. and Jon).

This is simply a way to streamline our communication. If you don't use it... oh well, but don't be upset when everyone laughs at a "Every Kiss Begins With Zales" joke and you have no idea what's going on. Of course, that story managed to make the rounds of this family without this blog. *sigh*

You will notice that I also sent you a link to a Google Calendar. USE IT! Seriously.... I still can't remember the date of Ray and Claudia's wedding (it's exam week, cut my brain some slack). I also sent out another email explaining how to access this blog to make edits/posts.

Please use this! At one time or another, every single one of us has complained or made a comment about poor communication (except maybe Brandon Moore.... you are just too patient dude). So use this tool!

Plus, it will be exciting to hear stories.... such as the one where two bugs tried to make babies on Bailey's hand.

I am working on getting a photo sharing site up for us as well... it will probably be Picasa, but I will post info on that when the time comes.



  1. P.S. I actually posted that at 4:52am. If someone can figure out how to fix that, please do... and then tell Britt because her personal blog does the same thing.

  2. great job Britt; and Jon, how board are you?

  3. Thanks sooooo much Britt. This is awesome!
