Friday, August 26, 2011

best wedding pictures ever

Sorry all of you who are married you wedding pics were great, but these are better,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mama's Got the Shakes!

I went to the doctor today and was told that I probably have asthma, thanks to the beta blocker that they gave me for controlling my blood pressure. So while I was still in the office, the doctor had me take two puffs from an inhaler and asked me to let her know if it helped. I went straight home and walked upstairs, back down, up again and down. Yes, it helped....

HOWEVER, about a half hour later I got the shakes. My hands were shaking and I generally felt weak and shaky all over. I called the doctor to see if this was a normal reaction to Albuterol, but the office was closed for lunch.

I sat there worrying when all of a sudden the shaking got MUCH worse! For a second, I really thought that I might could die from shaking this intense...then I looked at the table beside me and realized that it must have inhaled some Albuterol also, because it was shaking TOO!

I learned something today, I learned that I have lived on the East Coast way too long. Where the shaking of my house sends me down this thought path; heart attack....gas furnace under house about to blow.....bomb went off at the mall....meteor hit the earth...oh, maybe it's an earthquake.....................Nah!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Benefits to being Champ

I was thinking and realized there should be benefits to being champ! I should get the first pick in the draft for one thing. Maybe even the first pick for each position! I know what your thinking, "Where does she get these spectacular ideas? And why didn't I think of that?" But don't worry, I will always let you know what you can do to help me. Well, I better get back to the game. My future QB is playing tonight!

Friday, August 12, 2011

My trip to Florida!!!!!!!!

So I ended up spending only 1 night in Miami. It was beautiful though, and I went to South Beach. The next day we drove 4 hours to Orlando and went to Universal!

I know the question is on everyones mind and yes I did go see the Harry Potter World area, but I only rode the main Harry Potter Ride 3 times. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as you can see by my face in the above picture.

The next 2 days we spent at Disney World (Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios formerly known as MGM). I was super excited and couldn't wait. We had a blast and I met 2 disney princesses!!!! All of the pics are up on facebook now, but this is my favorite princess meeting.

The Plane rides were amazing!!!! The trip there I could see the ground and puffy white clouds, and the trip back I saw lightning in the night sky as I was in the air.