Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mama's Got the Shakes!

I went to the doctor today and was told that I probably have asthma, thanks to the beta blocker that they gave me for controlling my blood pressure. So while I was still in the office, the doctor had me take two puffs from an inhaler and asked me to let her know if it helped. I went straight home and walked upstairs, back down, up again and down. Yes, it helped....

HOWEVER, about a half hour later I got the shakes. My hands were shaking and I generally felt weak and shaky all over. I called the doctor to see if this was a normal reaction to Albuterol, but the office was closed for lunch.

I sat there worrying when all of a sudden the shaking got MUCH worse! For a second, I really thought that I might could die from shaking this intense...then I looked at the table beside me and realized that it must have inhaled some Albuterol also, because it was shaking TOO!

I learned something today, I learned that I have lived on the East Coast way too long. Where the shaking of my house sends me down this thought path; heart attack....gas furnace under house about to blow.....bomb went off at the mall....meteor hit the earth...oh, maybe it's an earthquake.....................Nah!

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