Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Schedule

Okay, I have been informed that even though our holiday schedule from year to year never changes, for some strange reason I can not fathom, everyone still remains confused and wondering what the plans are for THIS year. So.......

McLeonard Holiday Schedule for 2011 and every year hereafter unless otherwise notified is...


Breakfast Location: Mom and Dad McGowan's
Time: Anywhere from 9:00-11:00 depending on dinner schedule that year. 2011 is 9:ooam.

Dinner Location: Jon and Breezy's house
Time: Always around normal dinner hour with only slight (one or two hour) variations from year to year. 2011's time is 4:00pm (earlier than usual) because Breezy has to be to work @ 10pm.


Morning location: Mom and Dad McGowan's
Time: Arrive when you can (day or two before is fine), but gift exchange will begin around 10:00-11:00, depending on how many have arrived at that point.

Lunch Location: Whatever Chinese restaurant is the yummiest at the time.
Time: Depends on when everyone gets hungry, usually 2-ish.

Evening Location: Rachel & Dwight's
Time: Usually around 6-ish.

There you go, no excuses now. Can't wait to see everyone!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Project for Next Year

I, Jonathan Kremer, being of sound mind (ish) have decided to embark on a project for next year and I need your help brainstorming.

In an effort to be better at data visualization I want to record, analyze and visualize data about my life in what I consider interesting ways.

What I need your help on is deciding on some fun/cool things to track... So what things would you like to know? Should I track food stuff (what I ate, how much, when)? Should I track driving, travel?

Some things I will definitely want to tracking include...

My efforts in running and fitness in general:

  • Weight
  • Maximum distance run over time
  • Best Mile Time
  • Time to complete set goals
My various nerdy activities:
  • Games played/completed
  • kill/death, win/loss ratios across games and genres
  • loot/money/gold/currency earned
  • Time spent across games/genres
  • Online vs Offline play

**EDIT** Here is where this project will live with a couple intro posts --> Jon Kremer's Blog

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's that time of the year.... when everyone is BROKE!

Okay, so other than Breezy (& Jon by default), my guess is none of us have our sibling or parent gifts for Christmas. If this isn't the case, and I'm the only one, don't tell me, it will probably make me cry.

Anyway! I was thinking that we should all make amazon wish-lists to help give each other ideas of what we want. This does not mean that we can't get the person something not on the wish-list, but it's a great place for us to start.

Also, I have heard whispers of being broke spreading, so don't put a refrigerator as the only thing on your list. Try to keep them under $100.... please!

I will create my wish list now and post it in the comment section here. Thanks y'all!


EDIT: For those who haven't made an amazon wish list before, just so you know, you can add items to that list from other websites, so you aren't limited to what Amazon has to offer.