Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Schedule

Okay, I have been informed that even though our holiday schedule from year to year never changes, for some strange reason I can not fathom, everyone still remains confused and wondering what the plans are for THIS year. So.......

McLeonard Holiday Schedule for 2011 and every year hereafter unless otherwise notified is...


Breakfast Location: Mom and Dad McGowan's
Time: Anywhere from 9:00-11:00 depending on dinner schedule that year. 2011 is 9:ooam.

Dinner Location: Jon and Breezy's house
Time: Always around normal dinner hour with only slight (one or two hour) variations from year to year. 2011's time is 4:00pm (earlier than usual) because Breezy has to be to work @ 10pm.


Morning location: Mom and Dad McGowan's
Time: Arrive when you can (day or two before is fine), but gift exchange will begin around 10:00-11:00, depending on how many have arrived at that point.

Lunch Location: Whatever Chinese restaurant is the yummiest at the time.
Time: Depends on when everyone gets hungry, usually 2-ish.

Evening Location: Rachel & Dwight's
Time: Usually around 6-ish.

There you go, no excuses now. Can't wait to see everyone!


  1. I would like to point out that while you very adamantly stated (and made us feel bad for) that the schedule NEVER changes, next year it is changing....

  2. Next year the family get together is Christmas night instead of Rachel and Dwight's house. Bailey and Brandon and Ray and Claudia both of Christmas lunch obligations, so it makes more sense to wait until night to do the family thing at the parents house, also makes for less traveling with little ones I think!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. More travel for our little one though lol... someone needs a map!

  5. That's why y'all have to move to Raleigh!
