Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Camping Trip Details

Below is my original post from early December, as I believe most of you missed it completely...
2012 Camping Trip

It's official, our campsite has been reserved! April 5th - April 9 we all shall convene @ Jordan Lake Parker's Creek Group Campsite #254 for the 3rd annual Mother/Father's Day/Easter celebration and tent one-upmanship competition.

It's going to be a marshmallow roasting, game playing, ball throwing, ankle spraining, fire poking, frog catching, great eating, trash talking, egg cracking, bug swatting, book reading, coffee drinking, deep discussing, daydreaming, laughing, crying, singing GOOD TIME! So start preparing now to take a day or two or three off work as to maximize your time participating in the above frivolity.

More specific info to follow...


There can't be any specifics until I know exactly who all is going to be there and when. A LOT of planning goes into this trip on my part and I need to know PRECISELY the Whos and Whens. So please comment on this post ASAP to let me know those specifics. Chris and Katie (and Ludwig) are welcome to join us and we have an extra tent or two that we could loan them if they don't have their own. Please include them (if they are coming) when you respond.
After I get all the info, I will be able to put together an ingredient list for each person/couple to purchase and bring with. Thanks.


  1. We are so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
    Maddie, Brandon, and myself have plans to come on Thursday after he gets off work (should arrive around 5:30), and to stay until Sunday night (we plan to stick around for dinner and then head back so Brandon can go to work on Monday). The only thing that can change our plans would be if Brandon is not given the day off that he requested for Friday (but we are pretty confidant that he'll get it).
    So looking forward to this! See you guys in a few weeks!!!!

  2. Chris and I will be there Friday (in time for lunch) through Sunday dinner. Chris has a tent that he will be bringing. I can't wait. See you all then! :)

  3. I will be there for the WHOLE WEEKEND!!! Sometimes not having a job is a good thing.... Ludwig will NOT be joining us. Probably because he is trying to make you guys hate me... and I know it's working. I can't wait to see everyone and meet my beautiful little niece!!

  4. We will be there Saturday for as long as the site is open. See you soon Maddie.....and the rest of you of course!

  5. Katie and I will be there Thursday for setup up through Saturday evening. We will leave when people start going to sleep Saturday night because Katie has a trumpet gig at a church on Sunday morning.

    I know it's going to be a little difficult for everyone, but Maddie can't be around bug spray with Deet. So if you want to hold Maddie, please use Deet free bug repellent. We will bring some if you need to use it. Thanks!

  7. Thanks for the heads up Bails, I will make sure to purchase some! Cause I'm gonna hold her and NEVER LET GO!

  8. FYI pregant women can't be around it either so please choose an alternative for Saturday if possible. C u all Saturday!
