Wednesday, March 21, 2012


In case you hadn't figured it out yet..this camping trip is Rusty and my time to reconnect with all of you "kids", get to know possible future "kids", and love on new members (babies) of our ever-growing family, without the distractions of schedules, TVs, computer games, pizza delivery boys and the likes. We really can't think of a better way to celebrate Mother's and Father's Day (and Easter this year too), and we want to thank you all for indulging us.

To make things easier this year, I have split the groceries up and am sending each of you a list of the ingredients you are responsible for bringing, by email. The amount is based on how many meals you will be partaking with us, so those only coming for a day will have just a few items.

I know all of you are grown now, but I am a planner so I have put together a short list of things that you should remember to bring......

Tent (the only person I know we need to provide one for is Katie)
Air mattress - Walmart has some twin size for about $12, we have a pump if you need
Blankets - You will need some for both under and over you. The under is for insulation between
you and the cold air in your mattress. Trust me! Of course you can use sleeping bags as well
Flashlights w/extra batteries
Toiletries - There are shower houses w/hot water and electricity within easy walking distance.
Clothing - You're on your own. We are on a lake and if you really think you could bear the temps
this time of year, by all means bring a swimsuit!
Reading materials
Sports Equipment - I hear Bryce hasn't sprained his elbow yet.
Dog food, dishes and leashes - For Bryce and Chris only (as long as we are keeping them tied up,
I thought we should probably feed them too ;-)

Note to Brandon and Bailey - I know you don't have a very big car, so I was thinking that we
could bring our Pack 'n Play, swing, stroller, whatever you need, in order to give you more
space for the diapers and other baby related needs.


1 comment:

  1. Jan that would be a huge help! Please bring the pack n play, stroller and swing. We can handle anything else she needs. Thanks!
