Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Best Offense Vs Best Defense....I think we know who wins here

So here it is....the game of the year (minus the actual Championship where there's a trophy, ticker-tape parade, etc...) we have the best offense this playoff series has seen so far versus the greatest playoff defense in fantasy history (I assume)!

20thCNL held the #1 Seed overall to just 27.90 points last week.  I sure hope Wanna BeLT has a game plan and isn't just relying on one of his players to save him by playing around in the snow again.

I mean, I know football is a game, and games have their glitches, but that RB Snow glitch was a one time deal!  Making snow angels, or building snowmen RB's will no longer fake out NFL defenses this week.  They've seen the tapes and their coaches have better prepared them for the snowforts and snowball fights!  Now the only edge (other than having the highest scoring offense of the season and playoffs) that Wanna BeLT had over 20thCNL has been revealed and is no longer a factor!

I'm a nice guy, and sometimes nice guys have to say that...and do nice things occasionally.  So, I will allow more points this week than I did last week.  OH Man, remember the last time our teams met!  That was great!  Good times that was!  Just in case you don't remember because you've blocked it out of your memory, take a deep breath....count to 10 very slowly...then scroll down to see the score.

There it is.  Our teams are pretty different now, but rest assured the outcome will be the same.  Just remember the chain of command....who's in charge.  Jayne, tell him.

Jayne: "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin charge here."

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Thought On This Season

The Panthers were on the verge of becoming a divisional dynasty whilst teetering on the brink of becoming the usual sub-par team we've come to grips with after enjoying a successful season, but this year feels different. It still has that feeling, that je ne sais quoi. The pieces are there, the path to the playoffs is not as daunting as it seemed at the season's start. There's a hope in our midst.  A hope that feels as a breeze off an ocean, a dive into the perfect temp'd water, a comma lesson from Bryce on a bright sunny day with clear blue skies.  
The season has only begun, and there is no game more important to me than the next.  Oh wait, this feeling has nothing to do with the Panthers.  I’ve just realized this rush of hope and eagerness to win is actually for my next fantasy football game!! Claudia Marie McGowan! You Goin’ Down!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Crazy Train 

This year my team will be named after Ozzy Osbourne's 

Crazy Train,

a great song to add to my play list and as usual my logo is the album cover 

Instead of talking trash this year, I'm going to talk fact. 

Three years ago I played Jaycee in the super-bowl

Two years ago I played Brandon,

Last year I played Brianna,

I don't know who I will be playing in the super-bowl this year, but on thing seems clear, all of you together can't keep me out of the big game.  The crazy train is rolling so why don't you guys save your selves the trouble, go ahead and lay down on the tracks and let's get this over with.

The Dad



Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to become a Pirate

Stay tuned

it is going to get better

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Camden's life thus far!

He took his sweet time getting here. Born one day before his due date and 38 hours after the induction started. I can't imagine my life without him and here are some pictures from the beginning until now. Happy 12 weeks and some change ;)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016