Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Thought On This Season

The Panthers were on the verge of becoming a divisional dynasty whilst teetering on the brink of becoming the usual sub-par team we've come to grips with after enjoying a successful season, but this year feels different. It still has that feeling, that je ne sais quoi. The pieces are there, the path to the playoffs is not as daunting as it seemed at the season's start. There's a hope in our midst.  A hope that feels as a breeze off an ocean, a dive into the perfect temp'd water, a comma lesson from Bryce on a bright sunny day with clear blue skies.  
The season has only begun, and there is no game more important to me than the next.  Oh wait, this feeling has nothing to do with the Panthers.  I’ve just realized this rush of hope and eagerness to win is actually for my next fantasy football game!! Claudia Marie McGowan! You Goin’ Down!

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