Thursday, September 30, 2010

The House Cleaning from Hell

So this is how my day went....First of all, I was supposed to have only one customer today, one of my regulars that only takes about three hours to clean. Lesson One - Never answer your phone! (unless I am calling, of course)

Turns out one of the other girls pulled a muscle in her back, so I needed to do her customers house way out in the middle of the woods, down two dirt roads and a long gravel driveway, somewhere out near Jordan Lake. I get there and discover that the house is FILTHY and there was hair EVERYWHERE! Huge, HUGE clumps of it from their half dozen cats in every corner, under all the furniture, covering all the furniture, coating the baseboards, a veritable "carpet" of hair on their hardwood floors, their carpeted floors, their tiled floors and their bed (which I had to change! Even the "clean" sheets had hair on them). And me without any antihistimines!

I get started working (and sneezing and wiping my eyes) and about 40 minutes into it the power goes out with a big BOOM! It sounded to me like a transformer blowing. I call the customer to let them know what I won't be able to do if the power does not come back on before I finish the things I CAN do in little to no light. Two and a half hours later I finish and the power is still out. I hate to think how long it would have taken me if I had had to do the entire place!

Finally! I'm on my way to MY customers house, the end of the driveway, blocking my exit is a downed power line! Now, all I know about electricity, is what I've seen in the movies, so I have no idea whether I can drive over this thing or not. I'm thinking that with rubber wheels I might be okay, but I'm just not 100% sure, so I call my hubby! I had to open the car door and lean out of it to get cell service, but I got him and turns out, HE wasn't 100% sure either!
Well, somehow we decided that I should go for it (????), so I drove over it while still on the phone, wondering if my scream would be the last thing Rusty heard from me. In retrospect, I guess I should have told him I loved him before gunning it, but all I could think is, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die! I didn't. The End.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our 40 and over group at church had a luau last Saturday, we had a blast.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The big move!

Alright, I know I have been lax in making posts on this blog, or even reading it for that matter. But at least I made sure to tell everyone about my move to Oregon in January. That being said, I have a lot of things I need to get rid of. I'm going spartan, so to speak. I won't be taking a lot to Portland with me, so that means jackpot for most of you.

Within the next few weeks I will be creating an inventory of all of my things. Once I decide what I'm keeping, what I'm storing (thank you Breezy and Jon), what I'm selling (I really need the money), and what I'm giving away. I will post a list of the things that any and all of you can have if you want it. This could be anything from movies and books to furniture and my car. So make sure to keep an eye out for that list. Once I post it, it's first come, first serve and it's yours free of charge.

As a side note, thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, texts and phone calls. No one forgot and it made me feel so so loved! I hope to see most of you on Monday evening for dinner at BuKu at 6:30pm.

Love y'all!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Britt!
We hope you feel deep in your heart,
as your birthdays come and go,
how very much you mean to us,
more than you can know.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winning with class

Yesterday, Mad Dad defeated Armanti's Lawnmower. I believe in being magnanimous in victory, so to celibate, I went over to Jon's house and cut his TV cable line. I also wrecked part of his front lawn. Is that class or what?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Christmas is just around the corner. I was hoping that everyone could reply to this post with their wish list for the sake of helping anyone who is struggling with the person they are buying for. Some people are good gift-givers and then there are those like me who need a list of ideas. Please reply soon!


P.S- Brandon got a job today!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Our Wedding was seven years ago. The celebration continues to this day.
I love you Jaycee.