Saturday, September 11, 2010


Christmas is just around the corner. I was hoping that everyone could reply to this post with their wish list for the sake of helping anyone who is struggling with the person they are buying for. Some people are good gift-givers and then there are those like me who need a list of ideas. Please reply soon!


P.S- Brandon got a job today!


  1. I have been giving it some thought, and I would like to spend a few hours with each of you, doing something that you like to do. Just the 2 of us, and that goes for the spouses as well. I feel a little disconnected since you guys are moving away, and have spent very little one on one time with your significant others. So if any of you are game, me and you, one on one, doing something that you enjoy doing, don't worry if you think i won't like it, I want to sit with you in your world. you could put a slip of paper in a card telling me what we are going to be doing, to open for Christmas.

  2. Amazon Universal Wishlist :)

  3. thanks for the quick responses! Brandon's working at TKO subs... they'll knock you out! Lol.
    I'll add my wishlist as soon as I can come up with it!


  4. I would like 3 pillows for my bed...i need a flat one and 2 fluffy ones (i have pillow cases already i just need the pillows)
    or a george foreman grill(a small one good for 2 people)
    or a gift card to walmart or target so i can get some more jeans (mine are starting to get worn)
    that's all i can come up with so far.

  5. I would like:
    -Barnes and Nobles Gift Card
    -Pieces of my china set <-- look at my registry from Bed Bath and Beyond
    -Food for my pantry lol
    -I desperately want to paint again... some place like paint your pot or even just a piece of pottery where I can go buy my own paint and do it from home. I've really missed painting for some reason.


  6. I happen to have a gift registry.

  7. Money, lots and lots of money.

    I know, I know, that's not really a gift, especially since the knee surgery put me in such a hole that I have been bumming off people waiting on this first paycheck.

    But in all honesty, with the move to Oregon happening in January, I don't really need anything, because I'm just gonna have to ship it or store it.

    A gift card to a store like target would also work, then that way I can get the stuff I forgot once I get out there.

    If I come up with anything else, I will make sure to post.

  8. Bailey, I've been missing painting too lately....thats weird....but if you ever get over here to visit me I know of a place I'm gonna check out that's kinda like paint your pot.
