Sunday, October 3, 2010

Baby Formula

Don't you love a good double meaning for a blog title?

You may not know this, but I plan things in advance. As a result of this, Brianna and I have a running formula that shows when we feel we will be financially ready to have our first child. While both of us are ready to start our family, we have decided wait in order to make the transition into parenthood as seamless as possible. Without further ado: the formula:

0 = 14807.78 - 419.82b - y(b-z) - x

b is the time in months.
y is the amount of additional funds we can pay per month.
z is the number of months that elapse before we start to pay y
x is a one-time amount that we pay in

currently y z and x are 0.

That means that if you were to solve for b, 35.27 months. September 2013.

With Brianna's new job, it is likely that y will be greater than zero when she starts in November (making z=2).

Feel free to contribute to x... just think, if x=14807.78, then b would be 0...


  1. Expect a check for the stated amount any day now...
    BTW, thanks for making it so clear, I was so confused before. ;-)

  2. I feel that by moving to Oregon in January, I will be contributing to x

  3. Technically, Britt, you will be contributing to y, as that will save us some amount of money each month...
