Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free At Last.....Well Sort of...

So, as most of you know I have been trying to get a job in Greenville for quite awhile. I really don't like working in Snow Hill that much and couldn't wait to get away from it....and all the creepy guys there.
Well, last Wednesday I received a call from Target in Greenville about the pharmacy technician position I applied for on January 23rd. The HR woman told me that she would call me back later that week and set up a time for me to go in and get an offer.
That week passed, the weekend was fun but I really wanted Target to call me back. I was growing slightly impatient but was going to allow them until this Friday to call me back. Tuesday they called me :) . I went into Target today at 12:30pm and received my offer. I have to go take a drug test tomorrow morning but I have the Target job.
I am getting paid $1.61 more than I am being paid at Kerr Drug, and on Friday when I go in to work I will be turning in my 2 weeks notice. I have orientation at Target on Tuesday and don't worry, I have the entire weekend for the family camping trip off work already so I will see you there if you make it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

For all those curious....

Okay, so most of you know that I have been "talking" to a guy that lives in Colorado. And some of you know that he was here in Portland visiting me this weekend. It turned out to be a really fun weekend, despite the fact that I was throwing up all day Friday and have had a sore throat all weekend (can't talk anymore). So, since everyone is probably curious as to what he looks like, here are a few pictures of us at Multnomah Falls (of course I took him there).

Also, it is official, him and I are dating. It will be interesting since it's long distance, but they say distance makes the heart grow fonder? Or something like that.

Love and miss all of you sooooooo much!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Claudia is awarded the Superbowl Trophy

Claudia was finally awarded the McLeonard Family Superbowl Trophy

Everyone wanted to congratulate her

Here is a picture of the cerimony with the First, Second and Third place winners

And Forth!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Oh NO! We're moving! HEEEELP!

I just wanted to casually address all of you that Claudia and I will need some assistance in moving. My goal is to have everything loaded up in the truck by Wednesday the 27th of April, and hopefully we can unload all of our stuff that night! Claudia said everything will be in tubs and boxes by the 26th. If there is any way I can get some help from you guys, that would be great. We can work out sleeping arrangements in order to save on gas. Just let us know if you are willing to help! If the dates arent working out, we are flexible for the trip. We have to be out before April 30th.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Britt's going away party

I am way behind, but I just got these pictures. This is the going away party we had for Britt at The Pit.

Britt and Dwight exchanged gifts

oh well, it's the thought that counts

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Madness

I sent out invites for a Bracket Challenge. You should have all received one (check your Facebook account if you don't get on in your email). If I missed anyone, let me know.

Fill out your bracket on Facebook or on!

I am terrible at brackets, so I have only dumb luck to hope for, but perhaps some of you know what you are doing?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home

It is good to finally be home.

Orlando was amazing. Our hotel had an alligator pond in it. Ate dinner in the same restaurant as some Tampa Bay (Devil)Rays. Saw the final launch of the Shuttle Discovery.

North Dakota is a type of cold that cannot be described. I am fairly certain that I got freezer-burned. I walked across the Missouri River. Fast moving water... frozen. My grandpa is doing better than I had hoped after starting the week having a very rough time getting around. By the end of the week he was able to get up/down, navigate their apartment, and stand to cook without assistance. He switched away from the super-industrial-walker and back to a more normal apparatus after the doctor gave him the green-light to put weight back on his hip.

All-in-all the trips were successful, but two weeks is simply to long to be that far from my house. Especially when it is negative 60 outside.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Last WWI Vet Passed away

On Sunday February 28th 2011 Frank Buckles, the last living U.S. WWI Dough-Boy passed away peacefully from "natural causes" at the age of 110.