Monday, March 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home

It is good to finally be home.

Orlando was amazing. Our hotel had an alligator pond in it. Ate dinner in the same restaurant as some Tampa Bay (Devil)Rays. Saw the final launch of the Shuttle Discovery.

North Dakota is a type of cold that cannot be described. I am fairly certain that I got freezer-burned. I walked across the Missouri River. Fast moving water... frozen. My grandpa is doing better than I had hoped after starting the week having a very rough time getting around. By the end of the week he was able to get up/down, navigate their apartment, and stand to cook without assistance. He switched away from the super-industrial-walker and back to a more normal apparatus after the doctor gave him the green-light to put weight back on his hip.

All-in-all the trips were successful, but two weeks is simply to long to be that far from my house. Especially when it is negative 60 outside.


  1. Glad you are back, and hopefully thawed out...

  2. Wow, you're already awake. I think you need about 600 more hours of sleep to catch back up to normal people.

  3. Don't expect I will ever catch up to you: the huddled, sleeping masses.

  4. Welcome home! We came up for the weekend and your wife saved my organization theory paper!
