Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Sudden Silence

The first round of the playoffs have come to a close.  Another week passes us by, and there is still a Cupcake in the Championship Bracket! Yaaayy! Wooooo!  Wait! What was that?  It's so quiet...  I hear nothing from the commissioner.  I hear nothing from the misty-eyed medina.  It all just seems so.....right.  Even the mighty commissioner could not foresee the Giant's redzone offense work together to hold their kicker to extra points all game.  And to the other guy, she just beatyouman.  I should be feeling pretty good right about now, but I have a strange feeling...this feeling that I'm making the same mistake as The Shrieking Shaq and Ludwig Von Beatyouman; talking too much before a big game.  Oh well! I already had this prepared for you guys so I guess it's too late for me.  I'll just go ahead and keep talking! :-)

Thursday, December 10, 2015

ok, it's been a while

here is what's been going on

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Consortium Represented!

Our League Commissioner thinks he can label us and we'll just fall in line!  Us Cupcakes (I guess the labeling part worked) are out to prove him wrong!!  We are currently the only division with everyone over 1000 Points For on the season!  We have the second best collective defense! (That could be a thing)  And the leader of the rebel force boasts the best defense in the league! (a leader can still be a leader even without having any followers, right?)  And just to show the Commissioner who's boss, I've decided to take a seat at the comfiest chair in the league.  Where The Shrieking Shaq and Burning down the House are fighting for the number one spot while simultaneously trying to avoid becoming the fourth seed, Cupcake Consortium celebrates having snagged the number two seed in its inaugural season!  I will admit, the teams in Victory Village have proven they are where they belong, they also show that it's never a bad idea to bring along some breakfast to snack on (Green Eggs and Graham).  Currently, we have two teams representing the Cupcake Consortium division in Free-Range Crazies and CupCake This Commissioner in the playoff picture! Here we come Victory Village!  Are you ready for the greatest showdown of all time?!

Oh yeah, and Mediocre Medina......you play good.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Claudia Vs. The Letter!!

So, Claudia went in for THE ultrasound.  You know, the one the parents find out the gender of the baby.  But in our case, there is a gender reveal party to be had.  So we were given an envelope with that highly coveted information!!  We have self control.......we do.....stop looking at me like that.

We've had the envelope in our possession since August 29th, 2015.  It started off as a funny little joke.  We began to bribe one another.  I'll give you this if you open it.....I'll give you that if you open it....I won't hit you anymore if you open it (paahleeeeasse, she's not going to fool me....I've signed up for a lifetime beatdown by her... I've read the fine print on our marriage license!).

Then it got serious.  So we decided....TOGETHER...(don't fall for her side of the story) ...that we should go ahead and hand the envelope over to the baker.  Everything went well.  We even treated ourselves to a couple pieces of cake.  The envelope was finally safe          ....or so I thought.

Over the next few days I noticed there was something different about Claudia.  What is she up to? Where is she going? What is up with that ridiculously looking hat?  So I asked her.

Claudia's scheming had begun.  She revealed her plan to me, trying to persuade me to join the dark side!!

She had decided she would like to be hired as a baker... at the exact bakery we picked out to bake our cake.  She was going to call to get hired to be trained on a cake of her choosing (because it would just be fascinating to watch how it's done..you know?).  The sad thing: it started to sound like a good idea to me.

After talking it over, she finally decided against it.  And nothing bad ever happened to Ray McGowan again.....The End.

Although, I will say, she looks pretty great in that hat!

The story is true, but in all honesty, Claudia has been handling this really well! I'm reminded every day that we were really meant to be together.  She brings me strength and confidence like I've never felt before.  There's one thing I'm proud to put down in writing: I am here, and I will always be here for you and our family....however large it gets!  :-)

Today, it is the day before the reveal party, and she hasn't peeked into that envelope!!  You did it Claudia!!! I can't wait until we get to celebrate tomorrow and actually have a name for the little person we're loving!

I Love you Claudia!!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Rice Family is Growing!!!!

Chris and I are having a baby!!!!!

Unlike Ray and Claudia we didn't take any pictures except for the one of our baby's first pictures. We were lucky and were able to have an early ultrasound to determine how far along we are. This is how Chris announced it on facebook, right after the last phone call to sibilings were made. As if it were meant to be our little miracle was the size of a piece of rice when it had its first picture taken. We could not be more excited about this addition or the addition of Ray and Claudia's little miracle. So glad we are keeping the traditions alive with you two.

"Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply."
Nailed it!
 — with Rebecca McGowan Rice.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Rice Family is Moving!

Some of you already know this news, but Chris and I are moving to Delaware. We will be there by mid August and are really excited to be closer to family. Chris is going to finish his school psychology degree and get an internship hopefully in Milford. He has an interview Thursday!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Claudia is Pregnant!!!!

 June 11, 2015

We went to Claudia's first baby checkup appointment!

In this next picture, you see Claudia getting Mommy-Ready!!  Rolling up her sleeves to show that baby Daddy who's boss!             ........Wait, what?

They placed her in exam room 1.  I guess they knew who they were dealing with! The McGowan's!!

I found an interesting place to sit while I was waiting.  Looks like a nice safe zone for the men.

So, I tried it out:

It worked like a charm!

The P.A. confirmed Claudia is pregnant, so we went out to breakfast to celebrate! Claudia was already on top of the reading material they gave us!

We were extremely excited!!!

So excited, in fact, that we could no longer hold in the great news!!

So we spread the word:

  Ray Smash the baby world!!

An imperfect riddle I was made aware, but most people got it....I think.  If not, the hint is in this blog's title. :-)

We are looking forward to meeting our mini me!

A huge thank you to all of you for making this day so great!  All of your reactions were priceless!

Here are a few I was able to print:

 **Funny Side note:  Chris Rice said the same thing to me!

Bailey Moore and Rebecca Rice tried to call me during this crazy time and I didn't quite make it to the phone.  So they left me some great voicemail's. (I'll try to post them later)

Later that night, I got a message from Bailey:

And the next morning, Granddad actually used text messaging!!

This conversation happened while working on this blog!  I had to post it!  Much respect for you as a dad, Jon! 

It's been a fun ride so far!  Thank you all again!!

We love you all very much!  Please keep us in your prayers!!

Ray, Claudia, and baby!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I love my kids Maddie, Noah, and BeardStrong.

Just an update on the family biz! April has been the biggest sales month so far, and we are operating in the green (by that I just mean we have made back our initial investment and then some)!

We are sold in one retailer in Burlington, and are in discussions with two other stores currently seeking beard oil.

One of our company goals is giving me a hard time, and I can't see where any other company has done anything like this. So I'm looking for some help. We are operating under the constraints of a FB business page. There are applications you can use alongside it to do fun stuff (like setup an online store, which we have done). I am looking for a way to highlight our affiliates. I want to have a place where I can list them and hyperlink their photos to their own sites. Any ideas?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Claudia gets Saved and Baptized!!

Claudia accepted Jesus as her Savior and got Baptized!  She was Saved as a kid but wanted to make it official as an adult! I'm extremely proud of the woman she has become! I am forever thankful that she willingly became my wife, and continues to stand with me!  

Great job, Claudia!!  I Love you!

Also, a shout out to Raven for getting Baptized! Claudia and I are very proud of you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sweet Victory!!!

Wow! I've never had two shutouts before! Although, it was never a fair game in the first place.  Bryce and Jon's brains versus my superior, random guessing....and second guessing.  They never stood a chance!  I'll try to be a little more fair to everyone next year and actually keep up with a few more teams.  This year I only kept up with the SoCon and ACC, lol.

Also, more of us need to play this!!  That was fun Jon and Bryce! Thanks!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Goal Attained!

About a year and a half ago, I decided to read the entire Bible before I turn 30 years old.  This morning, I completed my goal!  I had read a good bit throughout my life, but I had never actually sat down to read it straight through.  

I just want to say thank you to you all! Every single one of you, whether you know it or not, has pushed me to strive to become a better man.  The competition in sports, the intellectual conversations, and the excellent humor all of you possess has really helped me become the man I am today.  My news is just that I've read the Bible, but the thanks is per the journey it took for me to get to this point in my life.  I'm grateful for the family God has placed me in! I know I don't say this enough, but I love you all! (funny joke erased from here because I need to stay cereal)

Friday, March 27, 2015

How I See the World Now!

So, as it turns out I needed glasses. Not for my right eye but for my left and not bad enough that the doctor insisted but enough that I bit the bullet and got a pair. Thanks to my wonderful husband I have a pair of Oakley ones. Also, he recently got a new pair too (yes also Oakley). What do you think?

Now for some SHOCKING news! 

It turns out I do not have bilateral coloboma, as I had believed for my whole life. Some of you may be saying things like, What? How is that possible? But your eyes both look like that! 

It turns out my right eye has an iris that is completely round, but the pigment in the bottom is so light you can't tell its there. Crazy huh? And in case you don't believe it I got a copy of a picture to prove it. Thanks to the doctor geeking out with me and wanting to see if it was possible to get a picture of it with his fancy camera (the one that takes a picture of your retina).

So, I have now accepted my fate as a person with slightly less special eyes than I thought. I am also enjoying seeing things a little clearer and I kinda wanna break into song. Come on everyone: "I can see clearly now the rain is gone" :)

Grand-kid stuff