Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thanks for the Prayers!

Brandon's dad had surgery today. For anyone who didn't know, his dad had 3 herniated discs in his lower back. Generally speaking, the doctor monitors the situation and will not operate until 8 to 10 months later. Eddie has been in this condition for 4 months, however, doctors felt it crucial to operate now. One of the nerves going down the spinal column has been pushed so far laterally that it almost takes the shape of a question mark (quoted from Ray). Thanks for the prayers. Its amazing that he was the exception for the surgery date. I know that the Lord had a big hand in that. Talk to y'all soon!


Friday, June 18, 2010


I just want to take a minute to thank everyone for coming out and camping or spending the day with us. Jaycee and I had a great time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


well...i don't want to feel left out of the blogging aspect of the family writing one now.

although i don't really have anything to write about so ill tell of my day at work yesterday (the only eventful thing that happened)

a couple came into kerr drug and left their dog out in the car. well the guy thought he would put the dog on its leash and then leave the window about half way down. while they were inside the dog decided to jump out of the window and ended up hanging out the window with its two back paws on the ground. a different customer had gone out to leave and noticed the dog. she ended up getting scratched on her arm but got the dog's leash off and the dog ran into the store and around it til it found it's owners.

And that is my story

Friday, June 11, 2010

Six Missing Players

We have 6 registered fantasy football teams... 6 spots not filled... If you don't join, you will never be able to win the FOOTball trophy that Britt wants so badly....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our Trophy

What if we purchase a McLeonard Superbowl trophy, and treat it like the Stanley Cup? The one who wins it, keeps it for one year, adds something to it, and presents it to the winner of the next years Superbowl.
What do you guys think?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Beware of Tab-Nabbing

Taken from Aza Raskin.. Read in detail here:

Tabnabbing is a new type of phishing. The following is an excerpt taken from that site:

How The Attack Works

1. A user navigates to your normal looking site.
2. You detect when the page has lost its focus and hasn’t been interacted with for a while.
3. Replace the favicon with the Gmail favicon, the title with “Gmail: Email from Google”, and the page with a Gmail login look-a-like. This can all be done with just a little bit of Javascript that takes place instantly.
4. As the user scans their many open tabs, the favicon and title act as a strong visual cue—memory is malleable and moldable and the user will most likely simply think they left a Gmail tab open. When they click back to the fake Gmail tab, they’ll see the standard Gmail login page, assume they’ve been logged out, and provide their credentials to log in. The attack preys on the perceived immutability of tabs.
5. After the user has entered their login information and you’ve sent it back to your server, you redirect them to Gmail. Because they were never logged out in the first place, it will appear as if the login was successful.

It works in Firefox and partially in Chrome, but other browsers may be targeted too.

You can test this on his site (I still recommend reading the whole article), just change tabs and wait for about 5 seconds, go back and you'll see he's site change to be a Google login page (actually it's a screenshot, but you get the point).

Whenever you're asked to enter your credentials or "re authenticate your session" *always* check your address bar and see if the URL is correct. If it is not, clear your history, delete your cookies, close your browser and start a new session.

Browse Safely.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I am in Wilmington today and tomorrow suporting a class of well-meaning but totally lost clinical new hires. Ray and Claudia are with me. Hope everyone (especially Britt) is doing well.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh, the sacrifices I make...

So, I'm sitting here on a Sunday night missing my hubby and wondering how I let MY beach vacation get stolen by some unscrupulous newlyweds that had just come back from MY bed and breakfast vacation. I really should be more wary of cute and seemingly sweet, innocent people in the future. What do you think?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Six Years can make all the difference!

Well, as most of you know, I had surgery on my right knee yesterday (Friday June 4th). If you didn't know that, then you should be ashamed (jk, jk) but you probably don't know that this Friday was exactly 6 years to the day after my first knee surgery.

Thankfully, I haven't had nearly as much pain yet as I did 6 years ago. And funny enough, most of the pain isn't in my knee, it's right below the knee where they broke the leg and moved the bone.

So, for now I am doing well... I have been sleeping a lot during the day because of the pills and such.

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes... and thanks for coming out to see me and take care of me!

Plus, despite the fact that I can't get in the water, I'm looking forward to the camping trip next weekend!


Posting on the Blog

Any of you with a GMail account should have gotten an invite in your email to become a contributor to this blog. This will allow you to post to the blog using your own GMail account.

Let me know if I missed anyone.

Fantasy Football

Please read even if you're not interested!

Alright guys, I will set up a fantasy football league for us this year. Unless anyone has any major objections to it, I'm going to use because apparently they've totally retooled their fantasy football and I wanna see how it works.

It would be really cool if we made this a family league. I know that most of you have never played fantasy football before, and I know some of you don't even really know a whole lot about the NFL. However, I know lots of families in the same boat who have done a fantasy football league together and had a blast. So I'm going to invite pretty much everyone in the family. It doesn't take any work at all if you don't want it to. In fact you could literally do nothing at all and just let the computer draft your team and then make fun of those of us who drafted our own teams and got beat by your computer-drafted one. I'm not sure I have everybody's email address on hand, but I'll get them somewhere, expect an email invite soon!


Edited to include: Alright, email invitations have been sent. Let me know if the auto-generated invitations do not include all the information you need to set up your team in the league.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mommy, Wow! I'm a blogger now!

So it has come to my attention that we children are not posting on this blog enough. I know that many of us have perfectly valid excuses, but they are rendered moot by virtue of the fact that they are still excuses. I know that I am truly sorry for this occurrence, and I will make it my life's mission to make this blog fun and entertaining.

But for now, Mom, you'll just have to accept my heartfelt apology for my inactivity on this blog. It goes as follows:

I know that you have blogged on this site many times, Mom. And I know that you desperately want this blog to receive more attention. I know this blog is one of your greatest joys, and I know that you will provide it with many embarassing stories for the rest of its life. But one thing I don't know is if I'll ever be able to be as good a blogger as you. You've set the bar high, Mom. But you've also given me a great example to follow, and for that, I thank you. I love you Mom, and I wish for you to have a wonderful family blog. To the McLeonard Blog!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Forgot to Sign

I'm sure you figured out who those recently posted embarassing moments came from, but just in case....
(for those of you that have not paid any attention to the signature on MANY of my e-mails, that stands for MOM/JAN!!! Remember it!)

Bailey-esque Stories

First of all, I agree with Jon that this blog has gotten stale. If you are reading this, you have probably gotten a "nasty-gram" from me reminding you to use both this blog and the family calender. (You are exempt Jon)

Anyway, I have actually been meaning to blog for about a week now, but somebody's wedding got in my way, so these stories are a few weeks old, but good none the less. I call them "Bailey-esque" because you would have expected them to have happened to Bailey, buy unfortunately it was me this time.

Okay, so I use a lot of micro-fiber cloths for my work, they are the best for absorption and also polishing furniture, mirrors and other such things. Well, I needed to wash all of them one weekend and was very happy to have many nice clean cloths to use while working on a brand new customer's house, as I was trying to impress them so that they would become a regular customer.
I was talking to my new customer when I reached for a cloth to wipe something and discovered that I had a pair of my underwear in my hand. I had forgotten that my panties are also microfiber and apparently come in many of the same colors. Luckily, the customer had just turned to walk down the hall when I did this and didn't see it, so I promptly stuffed it in my pocket and checked for others in my cart. There were three altogether.

I was helping Rusty find a suit or other such suitable clothing to wear to Ray and Claudia's wedding and had been wending my way through many racks of clothing for some time when I noticed something on my shirt in the general area of my boob (okay, right on the boob). I reached down, peeled it off and about died when I read it. It said "Feel This".

Bailey - you have competition!

Stale Blog!

Opened the page up, crickets.. Adding in something quick... How about some upcoming release dates that people might care about? Most of mine are gadgets and games...

Add more!

--Johnny Cakes.

Also, if you want to post to the blog from your own gmail account instead of mcleonardclam@gmail, let me know what account and I will properly authorize you. (Britt has clearly dropped the ball)