Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thanks for the Prayers!

Brandon's dad had surgery today. For anyone who didn't know, his dad had 3 herniated discs in his lower back. Generally speaking, the doctor monitors the situation and will not operate until 8 to 10 months later. Eddie has been in this condition for 4 months, however, doctors felt it crucial to operate now. One of the nerves going down the spinal column has been pushed so far laterally that it almost takes the shape of a question mark (quoted from Ray). Thanks for the prayers. Its amazing that he was the exception for the surgery date. I know that the Lord had a big hand in that. Talk to y'all soon!



  1. Hope this takes care of his pain. How is he doing? I presume the surgery was a success?

  2. Hope he is doing better, let us know.

  3. He's doing really well! His spirits are high and he is enjoying his time off work to recover!

