Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

2012 Camping Trip

It's official, our campsite has been reserved! April 5th - April 9 we all shall convene @ Jordan Lake Parker's Creek Group Campsite #254 for the 3rd annual Mother/Father's Day/Easter celebration and tent one-upmanship competition.

It's going to be a marshmallow roasting, game playing, ball throwing, ankle spraining, fire poking, frog catching, great eating, trash talking, egg cracking, bug swatting, book reading, coffee drinking, deep discussing, daydreaming, laughing, crying, singing GOOD TIME! So start preparing now to take a day or two or three off work as to maximize your time participating in the above frivolity.

More specific info to follow...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Becca's Birthday Dinner

So, next week I have only 1 day off work. No, that isn't my birthday :( but it is the day after. So, the family dinner will be December 20th at 7pm at Bahama Breeze. Hopefully y'all can make it! Love,
your favorite youngest sister :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Schedule

Okay, I have been informed that even though our holiday schedule from year to year never changes, for some strange reason I can not fathom, everyone still remains confused and wondering what the plans are for THIS year. So.......

McLeonard Holiday Schedule for 2011 and every year hereafter unless otherwise notified is...


Breakfast Location: Mom and Dad McGowan's
Time: Anywhere from 9:00-11:00 depending on dinner schedule that year. 2011 is 9:ooam.

Dinner Location: Jon and Breezy's house
Time: Always around normal dinner hour with only slight (one or two hour) variations from year to year. 2011's time is 4:00pm (earlier than usual) because Breezy has to be to work @ 10pm.


Morning location: Mom and Dad McGowan's
Time: Arrive when you can (day or two before is fine), but gift exchange will begin around 10:00-11:00, depending on how many have arrived at that point.

Lunch Location: Whatever Chinese restaurant is the yummiest at the time.
Time: Depends on when everyone gets hungry, usually 2-ish.

Evening Location: Rachel & Dwight's
Time: Usually around 6-ish.

There you go, no excuses now. Can't wait to see everyone!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Project for Next Year

I, Jonathan Kremer, being of sound mind (ish) have decided to embark on a project for next year and I need your help brainstorming.

In an effort to be better at data visualization I want to record, analyze and visualize data about my life in what I consider interesting ways.

What I need your help on is deciding on some fun/cool things to track... So what things would you like to know? Should I track food stuff (what I ate, how much, when)? Should I track driving, travel?

Some things I will definitely want to tracking include...

My efforts in running and fitness in general:

  • Weight
  • Maximum distance run over time
  • Best Mile Time
  • Time to complete set goals
My various nerdy activities:
  • Games played/completed
  • kill/death, win/loss ratios across games and genres
  • loot/money/gold/currency earned
  • Time spent across games/genres
  • Online vs Offline play

**EDIT** Here is where this project will live with a couple intro posts --> Jon Kremer's Blog

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's that time of the year.... when everyone is BROKE!

Okay, so other than Breezy (& Jon by default), my guess is none of us have our sibling or parent gifts for Christmas. If this isn't the case, and I'm the only one, don't tell me, it will probably make me cry.

Anyway! I was thinking that we should all make amazon wish-lists to help give each other ideas of what we want. This does not mean that we can't get the person something not on the wish-list, but it's a great place for us to start.

Also, I have heard whispers of being broke spreading, so don't put a refrigerator as the only thing on your list. Try to keep them under $100.... please!

I will create my wish list now and post it in the comment section here. Thanks y'all!


EDIT: For those who haven't made an amazon wish list before, just so you know, you can add items to that list from other websites, so you aren't limited to what Amazon has to offer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Night Fantasy Football!!!

The most epic showdown TONIGHT!

The number two ranked Newton's Law of Fevered Emotion goes toe-to-toe with the fourth ranked Sprawlin' in Portland.

They battled all day on Sunday to an almost tie: 110.16 to 110.17! Now the fight comes down to the last two players.

For the Brittanica Brawlers, Ryan Matthews of the Chargers and for the Bryce Bat'leths it is Jackie Battle of the Chiefs.

Winner gets the honor of sitting at the same table as the STILL undefeated Muppet Joe Flacco. (Though it is of note that their chair won't be as well cushioned).

Pick your side!

<----- Team Brittanica?

Team BryceTarvaris? ----->

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Halloween Party

Had a great Time at the party until the Zombies arrived.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's A Potato!!!

Introducing Maddie Elise!

Our amniotic gymnast is already practicing her pike, or else this would be a nice shot of her face.

She's yawning in this one.
Just like her mommy, she sleeps with her fist tucked under her chin.

If Maddie were sitting on a sheet of glass, and we were on the other side looking up, this is what you'd see. Her tiny hiney is in the upper right and you can see the back of her thighs and a lack of a ding-a-ling. She's a girl all right!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Dollar General Stadium, Home of Scary Death and Stuff

Can't Buy a Break (Except Peyton's Neck)

Scary Death and Stuff was able to rally a late comeback this week, but fell short as teammates L.Blount and K.Winslow had TWO touchdowns are called back by holding penalties.

Thanks to a well paid bribe to Bucs All-Pro Left Tackle, Trueblood, the Muppet Joe Flacco continues his undefeated streak.

It wasn't all rainbows and 1970's puppet TV shows for Flacctose Intolerance, however, as they drop from the number one seed. Newton's Law of Garbage Time Touchdowns stomped on the hopes and dreams of a team who is so bad that their mascot has attempted to bake himself into a tray of delicious biscuits. Said NotJayCutler after watching Ray's QB play: "NotJayCutler : Wow is anyone watching the Dolphins game? Haha, trick question." It isn't every day that a fantasy starter gives you negative points. It also isn't every day that someone decides to sit Michael Vick in favor of starting Chad Henne, the second best QB on the Michigan team that lost to AppState...

The two emerging powerhouse teams are still running at full speed toward their Week 9 grudge match. There will be a horrible side-bet involved. If anyone has any suggestions on how the loser of Flacctose vs Netwon should be shamed, let us know so we can get this bet going.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wide Right! Pirate Plague Win!

It's Becca with the big win! Two players fail to put up a single point and STILL she defeats the previously undefeated BrEasy-Cheese (or The Drewids or whatever).

Darren McFadden leads the way as Drew Brees and Mike Wallace fail to come up with enough points to make up for how terrible the Washington offense played. Fred Davis (TE Washington) needed 4 points, but earned his team only three.

We go now to the West Coast for comments. Take it away, Ludwig.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scary changes

There have been some Scary changes around the house, something is in the air

Know what I think is awesome?

Check your facebook page to find out! Hope it leaves you with a smile!

The weekly Manning excuse

This weeks Manning excuse will focus on the conspiracy theory, Peyton bailed, and Eli caused me to lose last week. Only when I left the Manning family completely did I pull off a win. The entire Manning family is out to get me. This proves it. Stay tunned for next weeks Manning excuse.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No More Papa Johns!!!

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who prayed for Brandon to get a job. It's been a rough couple of months with our limited income, but we can finally see the light! He went in for an interview for a management position with Little Caesars. Unfortunately the franchise owners had already hired a manager (someone who is older and with a little more experience). After his interview they decided that they really liked him, and felt that he needed to be a part of their team. They offered him a position as co-manager! He starts on Tuesday!

Sidebar: The baby is growing so fast... and my innie is about to become an outie...gross! We are all settled into our new place in Kernersville so come visit us soon! Love you guys!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Britt

Happy Birthday Britt, we love you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Get Used To It

I would like to congratulate Destined for Glory Again for her predictable victory over a poor team who's first round draft pick Peyton (the crybaby) Manning, decided to take the year off. I hope it goes without saying that I would have easily crushed her if Peyton could take a little pain.

This has been the weekly Manning excuse.
Get used to it

Monday, September 12, 2011

Playing for Obama

Hey guys,

This blog has been pretty stale lately so I figured I'd share this relatively small piece of news to get things going again (hopefully). I recently found out today that President Obama will be speaking at NC State on Wednesday September 14th. Several hours later I was told by the band director at NC state that the marching band has been personally requested by the White House to perform at the event.

I know that the majority of the followers of this blog are not fans of Obama, and neither am I, but it is still a very big honor to have the opportunity to perform for the president of the United States and I am very excited about it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Beach Trip

Jaycee and I went to Myrtle beach last week, it was just the 2 of us, we stayed at the Spring Maid Resort, here are some pictures for you guys;

Friday, August 26, 2011

best wedding pictures ever

Sorry all of you who are married you wedding pics were great, but these are better,


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mama's Got the Shakes!

I went to the doctor today and was told that I probably have asthma, thanks to the beta blocker that they gave me for controlling my blood pressure. So while I was still in the office, the doctor had me take two puffs from an inhaler and asked me to let her know if it helped. I went straight home and walked upstairs, back down, up again and down. Yes, it helped....

HOWEVER, about a half hour later I got the shakes. My hands were shaking and I generally felt weak and shaky all over. I called the doctor to see if this was a normal reaction to Albuterol, but the office was closed for lunch.

I sat there worrying when all of a sudden the shaking got MUCH worse! For a second, I really thought that I might could die from shaking this intense...then I looked at the table beside me and realized that it must have inhaled some Albuterol also, because it was shaking TOO!

I learned something today, I learned that I have lived on the East Coast way too long. Where the shaking of my house sends me down this thought path; heart attack....gas furnace under house about to blow.....bomb went off at the mall....meteor hit the earth...oh, maybe it's an earthquake.....................Nah!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Benefits to being Champ

I was thinking and realized there should be benefits to being champ! I should get the first pick in the draft for one thing. Maybe even the first pick for each position! I know what your thinking, "Where does she get these spectacular ideas? And why didn't I think of that?" But don't worry, I will always let you know what you can do to help me. Well, I better get back to the game. My future QB is playing tonight!

Friday, August 12, 2011

My trip to Florida!!!!!!!!

So I ended up spending only 1 night in Miami. It was beautiful though, and I went to South Beach. The next day we drove 4 hours to Orlando and went to Universal!

I know the question is on everyones mind and yes I did go see the Harry Potter World area, but I only rode the main Harry Potter Ride 3 times. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as you can see by my face in the above picture.

The next 2 days we spent at Disney World (Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios formerly known as MGM). I was super excited and couldn't wait. We had a blast and I met 2 disney princesses!!!! All of the pics are up on facebook now, but this is my favorite princess meeting.

The Plane rides were amazing!!!! The trip there I could see the ground and puffy white clouds, and the trip back I saw lightning in the night sky as I was in the air.

Monday, July 25, 2011


For those of you that have to listen to me talk about football, you know that the NFL locked out the players and we were in danger of there being no NFL football in 2011. However, the owners and the players all finally decided on how to divvy up the massive NFL pot of gold and the lockout has been lifted!

In response to this glorious announcement I have created the second iteration of the annual McLeonard Fantasy Football league on NFL.com. Actually come to think of it, were gonna need a new name soon, aren't we? The League consists of 2 Leonards (3 if Izzy joins), 5 McGowans, 2 Moores, and 2 Kremers. So were the McLeonKreMoores? Were gonna need a better name than that.

Well anyways, until someone can come up with a better name, were sticking with McLeonard. I have the league all set up and I have already sent out invites to everyone via Facebook because literally everything on the internet is integrated with facebook now. You should be able to click the link on your Facebook page and follow the instructions there to register. The league password is "trophy", but I don't think you'll need it because I explicitly invited all of you.

Looking forward to all the delightfully clever team names, though I don't think anyone can top mine: Newton's Law of Forward Motion.

*Edited to add* I forgot to mention, I currently have the live draft set to Saturday, August 20th at 8pm. I hope to see a bigger turnout for the live draft than last year, there's a chat room integrated so we can all make fun of each other's terrible choices and have a good time. I can move the date and/or time if needed, just let me know via any forum you like what days work for you.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm Going to Miami!

So, it is official for those of you who don't know. On August 1st I will be flying to Miami! It will be my first time ever flying and my first time to Florida. I'm super excited and will be staying with my friend Maryel and her mom when I'm down there. Also, I get to go to Disney and Island of Adventure for the first time EVER!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Frozen Pond Games Update

No one posted on here in a while, so you get to suffer through another Frozen Pond Games update!

New version of our website is live as of this morning: http://frozenpondgames.com

We are working hard at our second game... I think it is coming together very nicely. This game is an order of magnitude more complicated than our previous efforts with 9Volt. We are utilizing many feature of the Android platform and smart-phones that we have no yet touched. In fact, 9Volt only leveraged one phone feature (the touchscreen). Game 2 will leverage at least 4 features perhaps including social media features like posting to Facebook and Twitter.

The new website is based on the Wordpress blog framework to allow us to post content and begin to develop some community. Look forward to some fun things in that vein as we develop our online community and begin to tease some things about our new game project!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not Moving In....

So as many of you know, I was supposed to be able to move in to my new house as early as tomorrow, June 1st. As it turns out, the girl who was planning to live in the house with me until August 1st failed to discuss this notion with her parents until yesterday. Her parents were not okay with this situation. As a result, I will not be moving in until July 1st. The good news is that now Breezy and Jon get to enjoy my company for a whole extra month!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Frozen Pond Update

Made some Live Wallpapers for the market this weekend... Couple of them are free... If you have an Android device, let me know what you think!

Frozen Pond Games on the Android Market

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunburnt in Denver

Yes, yes, everyone has explained to me that being at a higher altitude, closer to the sun with less atmosphere between me and the UV rays... blah blah blah. I don't care, my sunburn hurts! Anyway, I decided I should give everyone a life update.

I had a blast in Colorado. You have not seen a sunset until you watch it over the Rockies, absolutely stunning. One of the things I really loved was how open the land was. I'm so used to the massive amounts of trees in North Carolina, that I didn't think you could just see for miles. Turns out, you can. One night when Ludwig and I were driving back from one thing or another, we came up to the crest of a hill and I saw a huge expanse of city lights. I mentioned it to Ludwig and he said that was probably 4 or 5 cities I was seeing even though it looked like one. I'm probably not doing a good job of explaining it and/or I might be the only one who thinks it's cool, but you just wasted 30 seconds reading that paragraph... so... *sticks out tongue*

Downtown Denver

On the first day, Ludwig and I went up to Wyoming to meet his friend and to visit his workplace. Honestly I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind inside an airplane hanger, but I was extremely intrigued. They had 3 planes inside and most of them were missing parts and being cleaned, etc. etc. Then a 4th plane came in and Ludwig took me into the cockpit. I sat in the co-pilot's chair while he tested millions of different things, explaining them all to me and then he MOVED THE AIRPLANE! I thought it was so cool to be inside a moving airplane IN the CO-PILOT seat! It's okay, I know you are jealous.

I couldn't get the video of our "trip" to upload here, so it should be on my facebook, you can check it out there.

On day two Ludwig took me to Estes Park in the mountains. The drive up to the town was just absolutely breathtaking. Jon wasn't kidding when he told me Colorado was beautiful. The town was adorable as well. We stopped to get some of Grandma's cookies and almost picked up a Mexican cookbook for me and then decided I still wouldn't be able to cook. After the drive in the mountains we went to Ludwig's sister's graduation from Northern Colorado, she graduated with a master's in clinical counseling! Her family was very proud.

On day three we took Ludwig's 4 year old brother to Chuck E Cheese. After a few hours I began to think that I'm not gonna be able to handle being a mother cause I was EXHAUSTED! Maybe 4 year old boys just have a lot of energy? Anyway, to those thinking about having children in the next few years, good luck!
That night we walked around Old Town and I introduced Ludwig to Mongolian grills.

On day four, I got a sunburn, that's all you need to know. Well, I guess I can tell you how, we spent most of the day at Elich Gardens (the Six Flags amusement park in Denver). Follow this link to see some of the rides we went on http://elitchgardens.com/theme-park/thrill-rides/ But most importantly look at this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHAzSpjuqw
While that video isn't of Ludwig and I, it shows a ride that we participated in. Talk about an adrenaline rush, we definitely had to sit down after that one.

We also ate this

Well that's pretty much it for my trip. But in other news, I got accepted to Portland State University's Criminal Justice and Criminology program and with a little luck and some loving help I should be able to attend in June.

Also, don't you wish you had this in YOUR house? In Home Theater!

Thanks for spending your bored moments reading this post. Love y'all!


Friday, May 6, 2011

9Volt's First Week

We pushed the button on Monday, launching 9Volt as a paid app for the low-low price of $99 dollars. Whoops. The hit the "edit and update" buttons and fixed to the more reasonable (but still higher than we intend) price of $.99.

In its first five days of life on the market it has generated 10 (so far) non-family/friend purchases. Bryce's review remains the only one at the moment, but whatever, 5-Stars is 5-Stars. We plan on having the ad-supported free version out there some time next week so we can start legitimate efforts at promoting and growing the player-base.

I am completing work on some Starcraft2 based live-wallpapers and intend to get the finished some time tomorrow and posted to the market after that. A quick second (third, fourth and fifth) product for FrozenPond.

Once these smaller projects are done, we will begin work on a big game. We are very excited about this next project.

Frozen Pond has another iron in the fire in that we are starting the process of learning the Unreal Engine and UDK. This is the game engine that powers blockbusters like Gears of War, Mass Effect and MANY MANY others. It is also the engine that Bryce will learn in his game-development course work. Hopefully we are on track to work on something HUGE some time next year.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bronchitis Update

Most people don't know that Bronchitis is the number one killer of people who die from Bronchitis, regardless of age.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moments of the Move

We made our first and last trip to the dump today before I went to work! Claudia got off today at two, got home around 2:40ish, and helped me carry out the mattress and boxspring. Unfortunately after everything was downstairs, we realized the boxspring wasn't going to fit, and sadly, it wasn't even close. So, I inquired about the distance and best route of our dump trip. It was a little further than six miles, four miles by highway. Claudia had an epiphany. So we ducktaped the boxspring to the Equinox, going over the top of the boxspring, and through the rolled down rear window sections of the vehicle. Then taped the back of the boxspring and lead it to the inside of the front passenger seat. Did I mention the ducktape was purple? The ducktape was purple, and extremely obvious on the large white canvas we just placed on top of our mode of transportation. We rolled down the front windows and held down the boxspring in order to sustain perfect aerodynamics. The hazardlights were turned on to improve upon the style we had just created. We began down the highway topping out at about 58.93 feet per second. A truck convexing out from the amount of, well Im just gonna say it, mexicans, filled with laughter as they passed us by. We pulled over three times while on the four mile highway run. Pinning the boxspring down continuously really works on your forearms. We hit the backroads for the last few miles, and fortunately, we hit every red light on the way! From the way the employees at the dump examined our garbage, I would say it's the first time anyone in Waynesville has ever used purple ducktape to strap down a doublewide boxspring. We made it there three minutes before the dump closed, and have compeletly finished the disposing stage.

A sneak peak for episode two of Moment of the Move: Ray will be driving a 16' truck and towing the equinox at the same time. Watch for more excitement as the journey continues.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Rusty has bronchitis, he wants everyone to feel sorry for him.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


We have a new family member at the Kremer house.

Micah is a year and a half old half English Setter, half cocker spaniel. The remaining half appears to be an endless supply of sugar. (You wish your dog was an improper fraction). You can decide if that means he is so very sweet, or if that means he is so hyper that he literally jumps off the walls.

He is getting along well with Cupid (though they are still getting used to one another). They both like moonlit walks on the sidewalk and barking at invisible people at the door (or if someone on TV has the GALL to use a doorbell).

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free At Last.....Well Sort of...

So, as most of you know I have been trying to get a job in Greenville for quite awhile. I really don't like working in Snow Hill that much and couldn't wait to get away from it....and all the creepy guys there.
Well, last Wednesday I received a call from Target in Greenville about the pharmacy technician position I applied for on January 23rd. The HR woman told me that she would call me back later that week and set up a time for me to go in and get an offer.
That week passed, the weekend was fun but I really wanted Target to call me back. I was growing slightly impatient but was going to allow them until this Friday to call me back. Tuesday they called me :) . I went into Target today at 12:30pm and received my offer. I have to go take a drug test tomorrow morning but I have the Target job.
I am getting paid $1.61 more than I am being paid at Kerr Drug, and on Friday when I go in to work I will be turning in my 2 weeks notice. I have orientation at Target on Tuesday and don't worry, I have the entire weekend for the family camping trip off work already so I will see you there if you make it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

For all those curious....

Okay, so most of you know that I have been "talking" to a guy that lives in Colorado. And some of you know that he was here in Portland visiting me this weekend. It turned out to be a really fun weekend, despite the fact that I was throwing up all day Friday and have had a sore throat all weekend (can't talk anymore). So, since everyone is probably curious as to what he looks like, here are a few pictures of us at Multnomah Falls (of course I took him there).

Also, it is official, him and I are dating. It will be interesting since it's long distance, but they say distance makes the heart grow fonder? Or something like that.

Love and miss all of you sooooooo much!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Claudia is awarded the Superbowl Trophy

Claudia was finally awarded the McLeonard Family Superbowl Trophy

Everyone wanted to congratulate her

Here is a picture of the cerimony with the First, Second and Third place winners

And Forth!